Returning to the Office? Tips for Office Etiquette

  • July 1, 2024

As the world gradually emerges from the grips of the pandemic and its impacts, many professionals are being called back for a return to the office after an extended period of remote work. This transition comes with its own set of challenges, particularly in navigating office etiquette in this new landscape. Regardless of whether someone is returning as a seasoned employee or a new hire in the workplace, understanding and respecting office etiquette is essential for fostering a healthy work environment. Below, we highlight some useful tips for office etiquette to ensure you return to the office in a positive and productive manner.   


Tips for Office Etiquette


Remain Flexible and Adaptable 

Navigating the transition back to the office will surely present unique challenges, some the same as before Covid and others yet to be revealed. The most important part of this transition is to remain flexible and adaptable, being a problem-solver when needed. Though things may not be exactly how they were before, the focus should be on embracing change with a positive attitude and being open to new ways of working and collaborating with your colleagues. 


Be Punctual

Being punctual is a fundamental aspect of office etiquette. This comes in the form of arriving on time for meetings, especially when in person, hitting deadlines, and fulfilling other daily tasks. Completing these tasks punctually and consistently sets a positive tone and demonstrates respect for your colleagues’ time. Lastly, it’s valuable to account for the added time spent commuting to work from home, striving to arrive early whenever possible for optimal impression. 


Respect Personal Space and Noise Level

A return to the physical office means the reintroduction of shared workspaces. It’s essential to respect the personal space of other employees and to maintain appropriate physical distance, especially during more focused, working hours. Another part of returning to a physical office space is that noise can quickly become a distraction. Even back in person, virtual meetings and phone calls can and will remain common occurrences in daily work. If taking a meeting or call, be mindful of your volume level, minimize disruptions around you, and look for a designated quiet space to join. With this, be sure to understand and respect the boundaries set forth by your company on both personal space and noise level. Abiding by these recommendations will show consideration for the office space and other employees. 


Maintain Professional Communication

Effective team communication is key to success in any workplace. When interacting with colleagues, whether in person or via digital channels, maintain a professional tone and choice of language. Whether it’s online communication like emails or an in-person weekly team check-in, remain concise and to the point, respecting the time of your colleagues and demonstrating a level of reliability and accountability.   


Show Appreciation

Lastly, an important part of a strong office culture is the ability to show appreciation for the effort and contributions of your colleagues. A simple expression of gratitude goes a long way in fostering a positive and supportive work environment, and these acts will surely be reciprocated. In a similar light, be open to honesty and willing to lend a helping hand – doing so will foster an inclusive workplace that encourages diverse perspectives. As a final thought, be mindful of the fact that returning to the office will be an adjustment for everyone, so take each day as it comes, giving yourself and others grace where needed.  


Final Remarks

Conscious attention to office etiquette is essential for success in the modern workplace, especially as companies nationwide return to the office after a prolonged period away. By following the recommended guidelines, office spaces will be filled with employees displaying professionalism, respect, and consideration, creating a more collaborative, positive, and productive work environment.  

If you’re looking for on-site talent for your transition back to the office, contact BCTG today. 


Contributions from Aaron Messer

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