Tips for Hiring and Managing Remote SAP Talent

  • August 15, 2024

In today’s ever-changing digital landscape, finding talented SAP staff has become critical for technological success. The demand for skilled SAP professionals has grown significantly, and many positions are now remote, including an entirely online hiring process for most organizations. However, remote hiring and work can present challenges in getting to know a candidate and developing a strong company culture. We’ve outlined key tips to follow when seeking to hire and manage remote SAP talent below. 


4 Tips for Hiring and Managing Remote SAP Talent


1. Ensure that candidates have essential skills beyond technical knowledge 

A strong remote SAP candidate will have strong communication skills and time management abilities, and they will be eager to actively participate in conversations and brainstorming even in an online setting. Technical expertise in SAP solutions is critical, but standout talent will also be able to effectively share their knowledge and have a positive impact on the company even virtually. Without a strong ability to communicate , an SAP professional will be unable to mesh well with the existing technological systems and the company’s culture. 


2. Set explicit expectations and communicate clearly 

When hiring for a remote position, it can be a challenge to ensure that the candidate fully comprehends what the position entails. As such, make sure that during the hiring process, expectations for the role are clearly stated to minimize misunderstandings and shortcomings down the road. 

Clear and active communication can not only ensure a mutual understanding of company goals but can also foster strong morale and increase team satisfaction. Consider implementing technologies that facilitate good communication between team members, and host meetings when necessary to promote face-to-face conversation. Creating a friendly company culture can be difficult when employees are not physically together, but celebrating successes and sharing praise with team members can make everyone feel heard even in an entirely online setting. 


3. Foster a collaborative culture 

Remote SAP professionals will be better able to adapt to a new company if they engage with peers in an educational and social manner.  Encourage team video calls, project collaboration, and social engagement to establish a team that can work well together and present their best selves in every project. A collaborative culture will ultimately help newly-hired SAP talent grasp company norms and expectations faster as they learn from other team members, and it will also lead to greater work satisfaction as employees are able to build stronger social connections and boost their morale. 


4. Provide adequate training and resources 

When starting a remote position, it can be difficult to truly feel up for the task if there are not enough resources available to help you get started and no one you can ask questions to face-to-face like in an office setting. When hiring and managing remote SAP talent, ensure that there is a plethora of resources available to help these professionals grow accustomed to the company, the position’s expectations, and the specific projects. Designated training is also imperative for understanding unfamiliar company systems and how SAP is integrated into the internal business operations. 


Looking Ahead

Hiring and managing remote SAP talent can be challenging without the opportunity for face-to-face introductions and communication. To maximize SAP talent productivity and satisfaction, ensure that there is clear communication and expectations, a positive company culture, and adequate training and resources. These standards will encourage the smooth integration of a new SAP professional into the company. 

To learn more about effective hiring and management practices for SAP professionals, contact our team at Bull City Talent Group today. 


Contributions from Sam Weitzel

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