Best Practices for Reference Checks

  • August 4, 2022

Reference checks are designed to dig deeper and help you learn more about your desired candidate. They act as a form of verification or reassurance when you are seriously considering a candidate for a selected position. In contacting a candidate’s references, you are verifying their credentials as well as their character, working style, and relevant experience. Effectively performing reference checks for candidates helps ensure that the hiring process goes smoothly and that the candidate is a good fit for the position. 


What To Do When Performing Reference Checks 

Let the candidates know beforehand that you are planning to perform a reference check, and then get their consent. Make it clear in the job posting that references are required when applying and give the candidates time to prepare. Typically, each candidate should provide three to four professional references that they have worked with in the past five or so years. Once you have narrowed down your candidate pool during the interviewing process, let all candidates know that you will be contacting their references before moving forward. 

Next, remember the purpose behind reference checks. Set a clear objective and be intentional. What do you want to find out? Ask the references job-related questions to learn more about the candidate’s character, skillset, and work ethic. This not only helps you learn more about the candidate, but it also helps verify any information the candidate shared with you on their resume or during their interview. Above all, never ask about a candidate’s personal life. It is not necessary to know this information as it could create bias, and it puts the reference in an uncomfortable position. 

Finally, look for inconsistencies. The purpose of reference checking is to ensure the candidate is suited for the position, so make sure everything the candidate said on their resume and in their interview lines up with what their references say. Most importantly, be transparent with the reference and make sure they know what they say is confidential.  


Finding The Right Fit 

The main purpose behind reference checking candidates is to ensure that the candidate is well-suited for the position for which they are applying. References can help highlight a candidate’s skills, work ethic, and overall character to validate whether they will be a good fit for the role. Selecting the best candidate for a position is increasingly important in today’s work environment, as each employee contributes to the overarching business goals and company culture. If you need help with your IT recruiting or staffing needs, our team at BCTG is ready to assist you. 

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