In-Demand Skills for Tech Consultants in 2024

  • April 18, 2024

In today’s ever evolving technology landscape, the demand for experts, such as tech consultants, will continue to grow. Tech consultants work for clients on various systems or projects to improve the client’s technological setup. However, clients are always looking for tech consultants with new, topical skills that can navigate present-day changes and expectations. We’ve outlined some of the most in-demand skills for tech consultants in 2024 below. 


6 Must-Have & In-Demand Tech Skills


Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

One of the skills at the top of the tech consulting market is the ability to understand and leverage AI to improve efficiency and boost automation. Consultants looking to stand out in this field should understand algorithms and data structures and have sufficient knowledge of programming languages like Python or R. AI technology can be a key differentiator for the competitive advantage of a company, so being able to provide and explain tailored, automated solutions to clients will stand out in the tech market. 


Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing has boomed in popularity due to the cost efficiency, accessibility, and convenience that it provides to businesses. Having experience with various cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services, can be an incredibly valuable skill in today’s tech consultant field. Consultants with the ability to make a client’s digital cloud transformation possible will be in high demand. 



Companies are often at risk of a cyberattack in today’s digital landscape, so there is a growing demand for tech professionals who can safeguard business information. Having experience with cybersecurity can open numerous job opportunities as companies push to improve their safety and information security. Obtaining a certificate in cybersecurity can be an effective way to illustrate your grasp of the field and provide a credential boost when searching for positions or projects. 


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 

RPA is technology that makes automated software robots that can emulate human actions. Companies that are looking to boost their efficiency and free up staff for more complex tasks are increasingly utilizing RPA to automate their workflow. Tech consultants that are skilled in RPA and can make automation a reality for a client will stand out in the job market. 


Data Science and Analytics 

In our digital world, companies are establishing more methods to easily gather customer and product information. The increasing amount of collected data translates to a growing demand for tech consultants who can interpret this data into results. Having the ability to manage and analyze data allows companies to make better, data-driven decisions which can translate to greater profits and customer satisfaction. 


User Experience (UX) 

UX design is the process of making software more accessible and user-friendly. As companies incorporate technology into their structures in tandem with the evolving digital landscape, there is a growing demand for tech consultants that can make the operation understandable. Mastering UX will improve software functions and create an easier experience for the client, making your services more appealing. 


Final Thoughts 

In the dynamic world of technology, tech consultants must adapt and learn new skills to stay at the forefront of the job market. From understanding AI to being able to create user-friendly platforms, staying on top of the in-demand skills for 2024 can provide you with a significant advantage. These skills are only some of the examples of expertise that tech consultants will be pushing towards. 

To learn more about these in-demand tech skills, speak with our team at BCTG today.  


Contributions from Sam Weitzel

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