Do You Have the Right Talent in Place to Leverage SAP CAR?

  • June 10, 2024

With the help of technology, retailers now have more readily available access to a wealth of data about their customers that they can leverage to make informed decisions and drive business growth. One revolutionary solution that is helping retailers do just that is SAP Customer Activity Repository (CAR).  

SAP Customer Activity Repository (CAR) is a component of the SAP HANA platform that enables retailers to capture, process, and analyze customer transaction data in real time. At its core, SAP CAR serves as a centralized repository for all customer-related data and activities, consolidating information from various touchpoints such as point-of-sale (POS) systems, online channels, mobile devices, and social media platforms. However, to truly unlock the potential of SAP CAR, retailers must have the right SAP CAR talent in place. 



While SAP CAR offers powerful capabilities, its successful implementation and utilization require more than just the software. Having the right talent with the necessary skills and expertise is critical.  

First and foremost, SAP CAR is a complex platform that requires technical expertise for implementation and maintenance. At its core, SAP CAR is all about data analytics. As such, retailers need skilled professionals with knowledge of SAP technologies, data integration, database management, data analysis, statistical modeling, and interpretation to ensure the smooth functioning of SAP CAR.  

Data analysts are also essential in deriving meaningful insights from the vast amount of data generated by SAP CAR, as these insights drive strategic decisions related to inventory management, pricing, promotions, customer engagement, and more. Remember, while this technology can help to sort and analyze vast amounts of data, skilled professionals are needed to help execute and act on those insights. 

While technical skills are important, understanding the retail business landscape is equally crucial. Professionals with a deep understanding of retail operations, industry trends, customer behavior, and so on can effectively translate data insights into actionable strategies. These professionals are also essential for smooth adoption and integration of SAP CAR as they can communicate the benefits and address any potential resistance to change, particularly as they stay mindful and aware of the dynamic retail landscape. 



To leverage SAP CAR effectively, retailers need to have the right talent in key roles. These roles include: 


SAP CAR Consultant

An SAP CAR consultant typically helps in configuring and customizing the solution according to the specific requirements of the retailer. As such, these consultants should have a deep understanding of SAP technologies, specifically those in the retail industry, along with industry best practices and data integration techniques. 


Data Analyst/Data Scientist

Data analysts and data scientists play a crucial role in extracting insights from the data collected by SAP CAR. They are responsible for data cleansing, analysis, visualization, and interpretation to identify trends, patterns, bottlenecks, or opportunities for optimization. 


Business Analyst

Business analysts bridge the gap between technical and business teams, translating business requirements into technical specifications for an SAP CAR implementation. They also work closely with stakeholders to understand their needs and ensure that SAP CAR aligns with business objectives. 


Change Management Specialist

Change management specialists focus on ensuring smooth adoption and integration of SAP CAR within the organization. They develop communication plans, relay business benefits, conduct training sessions, and address any resistance to change to facilitate a successful implementation. 



Building a team with the right talent for SAP CAR implementation requires a strategic approach. Below, we outline four steps to take when building your SAP CAR talent pipeline: 

1. Assess Current Skill Gaps: Start by assessing the existing skill sets within your organization and identifying any gaps that need to be filled. This could involve conducting skills assessments or seeking input from team members and stakeholders. 

2. Invest in Training and Development: Provide training and development opportunities to existing staff to enhance their skills in SAP CAR. This could include formal training programs, workshops, webinars, or certifications. 

3. Recruit Specialized Talent: Depending on the specific needs of your organization, consider recruiting specialized talent with experience in SAP CAR implementation. Look for candidates with a proven track record of success in similar roles. 

4. Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and cross-functional teamwork between technical, business, and operational teams involved in the SAP CAR implementation. This helps ensure alignment of goals and shared ownership of project success. 



SAP CAR holds immense potential for retailers seeking to gain deeper insights into customer behavior through data. However, realizing this potential requires more than just deploying the software. It requires the right talent with a combination of technical skills, expertise, business acumen, and change management know-how. By investing in building and nurturing a team with the right talent, retailers can maximize the benefits of an SAP CAR implementation. 

For help finding your SAP CAR talent, contact BCTG today. 

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