SAP for Consumer Products Companies

  • March 14, 2023

The consumer products industry includes subindustries such as fast-moving consumer goods, food and beverage, health and beauty, wholesale, and more. Many of the solutions offered by SAP, however, apply to all industries. 

Below, we touch on some of the specific solutions that SAP can provide consumer products companies. 


SAP Solutions for Consumer Products


SAP Responsible Design and Production 

This application provides tools for designing and implementing more sustainable goods. Specific uses include easy calculations for extended producer responsibility (EPR) fees, plastic taxes, and corporate commitments in addition to a lifecycle view of costs. With the rise of sustainability as an important factor in the consumer mindset, companies must prioritize their own sustainable initiatives. As such, SAP enables companies to easily manage and track their environmental responsibilities.    


SAP Logistics Business Network 

SAP’s Logistics Business Network connects trade partners for managing logistics transactions, document exchanges, and general transparency. Crucially, it centralizes all trade partners in one central and unified place. The growing separation of business partners as supporting technologies like 5G arise means that companies must centralize and streamline business networks. SAP allows firms to maintain and improve communication with important partners.  


SAP Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) 

This financial application centralizes financial planning, budgeting, and forecasting. Additionally, interactive visualizations can be created for ease of understanding and presentation. In the midst of severe economic uncertainty following the coronavirus pandemic, businesses must be more prepared to deal with unexpected financial strains than ever. SAP’s software consolidates one of a business’s most important internal tasks and can enable better decisions to be made in case of tumultuous events like recessions.   

To learn more about SAP solutions for consumer products companies, contact us today at Bull City. 


This piece was originally published by a partner in our business ecosystem, Crescense. Learn more about Crescense here. 

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