Key Techniques and Questions for Interviewing SAP Candidates

  • July 17, 2024

In the IT staffing and recruiting industry, the process of interviewing SAP candidates is a critical part of sourcing and screening the talent needed to fill roles for SAP implementations, customization, and oversight. Curating effective interview techniques and asking the right questions not only plays a key role in identifying top talent in this specialized field, but it also ensures the best opportunity to match the right candidate for the role, along with your firm and culture. Below, we include recommended techniques and questions for interviewing SAP candidates. 


Interview Techniques


Ask Open-Ended Questions

By asking open-ended questions, candidates are encouraged to provide a detailed response how they see fit. This allows the candidate to demonstrate the depths of their knowledge and experience with SAP. In a similar light, it provides an opportunity for the candidate to express their thought process and allow their true personality to come through. When asking these questions, provide ample time for the candidate to respond without rushing them to finish answering or immediately presenting a follow-up question.  


Provide a Positive Experience

Throughout the interview process, it’s important to remember that the candidate is evaluating your firm as much as you are evaluating them. That is why it’s imperative to create a welcoming and positive environment for SAP candidates. Providing an interview experience that is respectful, engaging, transparent, and informative is a key to attracting top talent.  


Approach Each Candidate Differently

Because each candidate comes with different experiences and backgrounds, they also bring a unique perspective and skillset to the table. To best understand what the candidate has to offer, each interview should be tailored to match each candidate. This will allow for a more meaningful and insightful interview, likely leading also to a more well-informed hiring decision.  


Interview Questions


Can you walk me through your experience with an SAP implementation?

This question provides candidates with an opportunity to discuss their hands-on involvement and experience with SAP projects. It will also give them a chance to showcase their versatility in the types of projects they’ve worked on, from implementation to customization to maintenance, as well as the solutions they’ve worked with, from SAP SuccessFactors to SAP Datasphere.  


Can you discuss a challenging SAP project you have worked on and how you overcame the obstacles?

By asking about past challenges and how they were solved, insight can be gained into a candidate’s problem-solving and adaptability skills and ability to function in complex environments. In the case of SAP, the environments are often dually difficult due to the complex nature of the technology and the challenges of working in a team. As such, top SAP candidates need to be able to work effectively in this environment, and this question provides them with an opportunity to display their relevant soft and hard skills.  


Do you have any experience with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications?

As the technology landscape continues to evolve, the integration of ML and AI in SAP systems has become increasingly relevant. Now more than ever, candidates should have a familiarity with these technological advancements that shows their adaptability and readiness for future trends and changes in SAP. 


Final Recommendations on Techniques and Questions for Interviewing SAP Candidates

While SAP jobs require a certain level of technical proficiency, it’s important not to overlook the significance of soft skills like teamwork, communication, adaptability, and problem-solving in the interview process. Throughout the process, provide feedback and communicate thoroughly to leave all candidates with a positive impression of your organization, regardless of whether they get hired. Incorporating these techniques and questions into your hiring process can help to effectively evaluate SAP candidates and make the best hiring decisions for your company.  

To learn more about techniques and questions for interviewing SAP candidates, reach out to our team of experts at BCTG. 


Contributions from Aaron Messer 

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